Commonwealth of Virginia
Office of Governor Terry McAuliffe
Date: November 5, 2014
Office of the Governor
Contact: Rachel Thomas
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
Contact: Amanda Pearson
Phone: (804) 371-7006
Governor McAuliffe Announces $300,000 Local Innovation Grant
~ Funding to assist regional collaborative effort with small business development programs ~
RICHMOND – Governor Terry McAuliffe announced today $300,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Local Innovation funding through Mecklenburg County for the Virginia’s Growth Alliance, which is a regional collaboration made up of 10 counties and one city in the Southern Virginia region. The grant will be used to develop several new programs for youth, new businesses and established businesses throughout the region to spur small business development and create jobs.
“Helping the Commonwealth’s existing and future business owners find ways to succeed is an important piece of building a new Virginia economy,” said Governor McAuliffe. “Programs like the Community Development Block Grant invest in the success of our communities and encourage business growth throughout Southern Virginia.”
This project will offer several different educational, mentoring and monetary programs including a pilot youth educational program involving both online and classroom education, a six-week “digital high touch” course for new entrepreneurs, a startup principles program for existing businesses, a microenterprise lending program funding business start-up or expansion, and a Peer2Peer XChange mentoring program to help develop network for new business owners.
The Virginia Growth Alliance is comprised of Mecklenburg County, Amelia County, Brunswick County, Buckingham County, Charlotte County, Cumberland County, Greensville County, Lunenburg County, Nottoway County, Prince Edward County and the City of Emporia.
“Entrepreneurial development is an indispensable component of economic growth and community development,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones. “We look forward to seeing the creativity and release of the entrepreneurial spirit throughout this region, and we hope this is a launch pad for these communities and businesses.”
Since 1982, the federally-funded CDBG program has been administered by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), and Virginia receives up to $17 million annually for this program. The CDBG program is a flexible tool for community improvement in Virginia and can address a wide range of needs, from infrastructure for new or expanding industries, new or improved water and sewer systems in rural areas, rehabilitation of housing in declining neighborhoods, revitalization of commercial districts, support to small businesses and support of facilities for a variety of needed critical community services. Only eligible units of local government may apply for funding.
2014 CDBG Local Innovation Program:
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