Dark Fiber

MBC offers regional and long haul fiber routes for high bandwidth customers. MBC’s Dark Fiber solutions are positioned to address network extensions needed for wholesale and content providers with the resources to maintain their own networking infrastructure.
Underserved Areas
MBC will extend our existing fiber network to locations that are underserved and may need middle mile fiber infrastructure to support connectivity needs. MBC works closely with our customers, state and regional authorities, and regional partners to find strategic ways to expand our fiber footprint to address the rural digital divide.
24x7x365 Support
MBC performs testing of all fiber strands before delivery. The Dark Fiber route is supported by our 24x7x365 network operations center and maintained by our full-time operations team and stand-by strategic contractors and vendors.
Looking to expand your network reach with MBC?
Contact us to see how MBC can help achieve your goals.

MBC interconnects with partners outside our market to enable additional solutions for our customers
Read about our partnership in the Windstream Wholesale Beach Route Dark Fiber Alliance